From 9 to 11 July 2024, in Vadul lui Voda, “Vatra Elita” Tourist Complex, took place the summer camp for teachers “History Lab” event organized in the context of the implementation of the History Competition Project.

The project has been running in Moldova since 2017 and includes activities for teachers and students. The activity was attended by history teachers from educational institutions from Chisinau and the regions of the country, whose students participated in the History Competition, Edition IV (2023-2024) under the title ” Dismantling propaganda in the history of the 20th century – a call for peace and development”.

During the 3 days of the camp, teachers were involved in several working sessions being guided by the camp trainers: Chicu Valentina – education specialist; in the session with the topic “Project-based learning” she challenged teachers to identify effective ways to motivate teachers, students and educational institutions’ administration to participate in school competitions. Coadă Ludmila – dr. in history, university lecturer, presented the topic “Methodology of historical research and academic writing” in the sessions.

The product of the “History Lab” camp was the design by the participants of a poster as a teaching-learning tool, created based on the “Methodological Guide“. The guide was designed by the experts to facilitate the teaching of the subject of propaganda in history in the lessons.

The project is implemented by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) in collaboration with ANTIM – National Association of Young Historians of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of the Körber-Stiftung, Germany.