On 24 February, we held an online workshop for history teachers across the country.
The theme of the workshop was “Practical approaches to identifying falsehoods and debunking propaganda in history”.
Liuba PETRENCO, doctor, university lecturer, Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” presented the topic of Disinformation and Tools to verify fake news.
In her presentation she aimed to inform about the specifics of fake news and the influence of fake news on the consumer’s well-being. She also highlighted the importance of knowing and using in practice the techniques of verifying information.
Larisa NOROC, doctor, university lecturer, Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” related in her presentation about Manipulation, lying, rumour – strategies of disinformation”.
In this context she mentioned how manipulation has an influence on the human psyche, appealing to emotions and falsified information.
The lecturer provided clarity on the identification of lies in public relations: advertising, politics, involving participants also in practical exercises to identify lies in various public texts.
This workshop was very useful for history teachers in the process of developing research for the ongoing history competition and for teaching the future courses about propaganda.